The Acupuncture Office of Lili Zeng, located in Cranston, RI, is led by Dr. Lili Zeng, a highly experienced and licensed Doctor of Acupuncture. With over twenty years of practice in the United States and eight years in China, Dr. Zeng specializes in pain management, particularly in areas such as the shoulder, neck, and back. She offers complimentary in-office consultations to ensure patients have the necessary information to make informed decisions about their acupuncture treatments.
Dr. Lili Zeng, educated at Beijing Advanced Medical School, has successfully treated hundreds of patients with various illnesses. Her expertise and honesty in setting patient expectations make her a trusted practitioner in the field of acupuncture. With a commitment to providing effective pain relief, Dr. Zeng's acupuncture services are sought after by individuals seeking natural and holistic approaches to their healthcare needs.
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