Value Management Inc. has been providing professional, objective business valuation expertise since 1991.
Value Management Inc. has been providing professional, objective business valuation expertise since 1991. Collectively, the professional team at VMI has performed over 6,500 valuations. Over the years, we have provided a vast array of services to a broad spectrum of clients, ranging from start-ups to billion dollar corporations, from virtually every type of industry. VMI enjoys a long tradition of excellence, both in the quality of our product and our total commitment to client service. The principal of the company, Edward A. Wilusz, CFA, ASA, MBA, has over 35 years of business valuation experience. Our analysts include Chartered Financial Analysts (CFAs), MBAs, and senior members in the American Society of Appraisers (ASAs). They have lectured on mergers & acquisitions and on business valuation matters on both national and local levels and have testified in numerous state and Federal courts.