Miscellaneous denomination church
St-George Orthodox Church
About Our Parish Saint George Orthodox Christian Church | 1150 Leishman Ave. New Kensington, PA | 724-335-9988 | info@saintgeorgeorthodox.org About Our Parish St. George Church is a parish in the Anti ochian Ortho dox Chris t ian Arch dio cese of North Amer ica. This is the part of the Ortho dox Chris t ian Church whose roots: apos tolic, scrip tural and tra di tional, trace directly back to first cen tury Anti och, the city in which the dis ci ples of Jesus Christ were first called Chris tians ( Acts 11: 26 ). The Ortho dox Church is the old est and sec ond largest Chris t ian group in the world. We are called by God our cre ator to wor ship and fol low Him, and to pro claim to the world His mes sage of love, peace, and salvation. St. George was founded in the early 1900 s by immi grants who came from the Mid dle East, the same region as that scrip tural Anti och. As they set tled in the Allegheny Val ley they brought with them their faith, which was unique and some times strange to those used to West ern Chris t ian expres sions. In 1912 Bishop, now Saint, Raphael ( Hawaweeny ) con se crated the altar of St. George, then res i dent on Ken neth Street in New Kens ing ton. As the Church grew under the pas toral guid ance of the priests and Bish ops, first those who moved to Amer ica from the Mid dle East and then Amer i can born ones, the need for a larger place of wor ship grew also. In the 1950 s the cur rent church tem ple was built and the con gre ga tion, in solemn pro ces sion, moved the relics of the saints form their first home to their new one, 1150 Leish man Ave. St. George has always been a com mit ted mem ber of the New Kens ing ton com mu nity both civilly and spir i tu ally. Together with our Ortho dox broth ers and sis ters at the Church of the Annun ci a tion ( Greek ), St. John the Bap tist ( OCA ) and Holy Vir gin ( Ukrain ian ) it is our mis sion to ful fill Christ s Great Com mis sion: Make dis ci ples of all the nations, bap tiz ing them in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teach ing them all that I have com manded you; lo I am with you to the close of the age. Amen. ( Matthew 28: 19 20 )