Red Rose Field Hockey is a renowned field hockey club based in Hummelstown, PA, offering a comprehensive field hockey camp directed by Linda Kreiser and assisted by Jaime Pollock. With over four decades of experience, Linda Kreiser, the captain of Red Rose, has been sharing her passion for field hockey through her play and coaching. The camp caters to girls aged 5 to 18 years old, providing skill-based groupings and specialized coaching for goalies.
The Red Rose Field Hockey Camp takes place at Lower Dauphin Middle School, featuring a week-long program filled with instruction, warm-ups, fun competitions, stickwork, small games, special situations, coached games, and camp challenges. The camp aims to foster a love for the game while enhancing players' skills and knowledge of field hockey. Sticks can be borrowed, and water is provided, ensuring a convenient and engaging experience for all participants.
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