Alternative medicine practice. Doctor investigates patient's medical problems, prescribes methods that will help the individual.The Wholistic Health Center is a multi-disciplined wellness center devoted to your optimum health. We evaluate your situation and find the cause of the problem instead of focusing exclusively on the symptoms. We have been in practice for nearly thirty years.Your health is your responsibility and your healthcare is your choice.Contact us today to take the first step in your pursuit of health. *Please note that specific medical questions will be addressed at the initial consultation. Please call our office to arrange a consultation appointment. Also, kindly note that all cancellations must be made by calling our offices.
Alternative medicine practice. Doctor investigates patient's medical problems, prescribes methods that will help the individual.The Wholistic Health Center is a multi-disciplined wellness center devoted to your optimum health. We evaluate your situation and find the cause of the problem instead of focusing exclusively on the symptoms. We have been in practice for nearly thirty years.Your health is your responsibility and your healthcare is your choice.Contact us today to take the first step in your pursuit of health. *Please note that specific medical questions will be addressed at the initial consultation. Please call our office to arrange a consultation appointment. Also, kindly note that all cancellations must be made by calling our offices.