Lightbox Film Center draws on a rich 40-year history as a regional resource for cinephiles. Initially known as The Neighborhood Film/Video Project, the program was established by Linda Blackaby in the 1970s and was housed in International House of Philadelphia starting in 1979. As the city's first cinema to focus exclusively on independent and international films, The Neighborhood Film/Video Project played an important role in advancing local access to emerging filmmakers and engaging audiences around social, cultural and political issues.
Lightbox Film Center is Philadelphia's premier exhibitor of film and moving image art. As the signature arts program of International House Philadelphia, an independent nonprofit organization, Lightbox presents an unparalleled slate of repertory, nonfiction, experimental and international cinema. Beyond the traditional movie theater experience, Lightbox delivers enriching film programs with artist talks, live music and other multidisciplinary programs year-round in a dedicated venue known as a gathering place for cinephiles.