The dream of owning a small family run nursery began for us in 2004, when our passion for plants led us to our friend Mike McGroarty and his Backyard Growers Group. With the innumerable resources that he has provided and the guidance of other Backyard Nursery members we have been able to flourish! It has been a rewarding and informative journey that has helped us evolve into the nursery we imagined. Our goal is first and foremost, to grow exceptional, quality plants that will provide you with years of gardening pleasure. We strive to raise all of our plants in ways that have as little impact as possible on our environment, by practicing organic methods and recycling whenever possible. Our plants are grown seasonally and not kept in heated greenhouses so as not to encourage unnatural growth. Instead, they are allowed to grow at their natural rate, and left to rest during our winters, only awakening when nature says it's time. We believe this makes for stronger, healthier plants.
We proudly offer unique, hard to find and common varieties of Ornamental Shrubs, Trees, Herbs, and Perennials. Most of our beautiful plants are sold in 1 gallon size pots, but we do have larger sizes available in limited quantities.