Domestic Violence Intervention of Lebanon County, Inc. (DVI) has provided services to victims of domestic violence and their children since 1990. In the past, safe homes and bridge housing were limited until the program opened emergency shelter in 1996. Structurally, DVI is a non-profit organization with a staff led by an Executive Director (ED) who is responsible for the operation and management of the facility. The ED reports to a Board of Directors that is the organization's governing body and is responsible for major policy decisions and is accountable for the organization's actions.
Our approach is to impact domestic violence at three levels of the community. Our first concern is to identify and provide direct and follow-up services to support and empower all immediate victims of domestic violence through our crisis hotline, counseling, education, emergency shelter, and legal advocacy and safety planning. The second level of our approach expands these services to include prevention education and related support services to those in high-risk categories such as children of an abused adult and those who are underserved such as rural and culturally diverse residents; or elders in an abusive family unit. Our third concern is to develop and use public education programs involving our staff, board of directors, other community leaders, schools, churches, hospitals, and other social groups in the Lebanon County area in ways that will respond to the culture and socioeconomic needs and enhance awareness to actively support domestic violence issues.