The year was 1935; America was still recovering from the effects of the Great Depression. Credit union organizers all over the country had been working for more than a dozen years to spread the word to average workers that they could take more control of their financial lives by forming a credit union. Forty employees of the Duquesne Works mill of U.S. Steel saw the potential in this concept. After much discussion and work, they pooled $240 of their savings and applied to the federal government for a credit union charter. Their goal was to create a financial institution that they would own, a place where they could save and make small loans to each other. They received approval of their charter request and began operations on June 10, 1936. By the end of the first year, the credit union had grown to 630 members and held nearly $15,000 in assets. Your membership helps us to continue this tradition of service to the Mon-Yough area.