A. Rhodes Wilson MBA, EA, CFP, ChFC Rhodes founded his tax preparation business in 1989. He soon realized that clients were not receiving adequate investment advice, and what advice they were getting seemed to ignore the tax consequences of asset management. Subsequently, Rhodes earned his investment and insurance licenses and began to offer asset management advice to his clients, focusing on increasing their wealth, preserving it through tax planning, and protecting it through risk management. These concepts continue to drive A. Rhodes Wilson & Associates, Inc. today. OUR CLIENTS are much more that an account number or ledger balance. Our clients are friends with whom we enjoy sharing the ups of life and whom we support during the downs; and to whom we strive to provide ?Financial Leadership to Help You Prosper?. The first step in getting started is getting acquainted. This is done one-on-one with Rhodes, a meeting where you will discuss your current financial situation, your goals, your future prospects, and your attitude toward risk. Once you and Rhodes agree to work together, he will develop a preliminary wealth management plan for discussion at your next meeting. Together, you and he will determine the best plan for increasing and protecting your assets.