In 1985 a group of people from Beaverton First Baptist Church realized there was a need for a new church in a small, but growing, city called Wilsonville. After much prayer and hard work a new church was launched, Wilsonville Baptist Church. Sam Newell was assigned the responsibility of pastoring the church. Under his guidance the small, but faithful church, was able to purchase a building. In 1989 Dwight Huffman became the new pastor of Wilsonville Baptist Church. In the years that followed the church expanded their building. Huffman left the church for another ministry in 1995 and despite great efforts the church struggled. In that year the church was without a pastor and only had five people meeting together on a consistent basis. There was talk of giving up, but those five people, through prayer, decided to keep the vision alive... Read the rest of our story at www.creeksidebiblechurch.org/story.
We believe that church was God's intended tool to make disciples (followers) of Jesus. Therefore, making disciples is our goal. While there are many good plans and programs that have been designed to help churches do this, we believe that the Bible (God's book for humanity) must be our foundation. In the Bible we have discovered many commands made to and for the people who make up a local church. The Bible commands that the church gather, encourage, correct, be hospitable, unite, and serve. As a church we are committed to following these commands. At Creekside we think life is like a creek. It may hit a few rocks, get polluted, flood, or freeze over, but it keeps on flowing. Discipling people is, in essence, helping people cross the creek of life in a way that pleases God. In our efforts to do this and to follow the biblical commands listed above, we focus on helping people take the steps to believe, gather, connect, and serve. We call these four actions stepping stones.