Matt Ropp, Principal Matt is a professional Land Use Planner that specializes in Oregon resource zoned land use permitting and rural development. He spent five years as a resource lands planner for Jackson County Planning Department before opening Matt Ropp Land Use Consulting, Inc. in 2005. Matt has extensive experience with large forest land inventories and has specialized expertise in assisting operations and transactions managers with landscaping level inventory analysis, long range planning, and coordination with local agencies.
Since 2005, Matt Ropp and his staff (MRLUC) have specialized in research and analysis of large forest and farm land inventories. We provide managers and decision makers the information needed to accurately and efficiently assess options for implementing long term management objectives that conform to current Oregon land use regulations. Our office accepts clients on a case-by-case basis. We specialize in permit entitlements for Oregon farm and forest zoned properties located outside of incorporated city boundaries. Permit Applications Our office has advanced expertise in representing the following permit applications: Lot/ Parcel Legality Determination Forest Template Dwelling Large Tract Forest Dwelling Ownership of Record Dwelling Nonfarm Dwelling Farm Dwelling Winery Farm Crop Processing Facility Bed and Breakfast Property Line Adjustment Partition Non-conforming Use/ Structure Variance Aggregate Mining Project Coordination Our office also coordinates permit condition compliance, and manages the completion of value added improvements. This includes coordination with affected agencies, and scheduling and managing activities such as DEQ septic site evaluations, survey and engineering work, road and building pad construction, individual water well construction, and other necessary improvements and services required to facilitate the sale and/ or development of property.