Over the past 20 years I have supported many people in self-care and healing themselves by giving some combination of massage and bodywork therapy, energy healing, spiritual counseling, business/life coaching, clinical counseling as well as working with groups in their personal growth process. Coming from a broken home at age 7, feeling angry and hurt and leaving home to boarding school at age 14, I have studied with people all over the world to heal myself and now be in service of others.
Did you know that 90% of why we don't have what we want comes from the subconscious? That is why I focus on your inner game and not the 10% intellectual ideas of what you think is stopping you. I enjoy providing people with tools that will help them heal themselves. With expanded awareness, I can help you understand your blind-spots, negative patterns, and deep-seated trauma so you can release it. I can facilitate releasing your physical as well as emotional pain that is stored in the body.