Both owners of PNW Home Pro (Britt and Kevin) were born and raised here in the willamette valley. They both love Oregon, and find passion in making every home more secure and safe, with home security and monitoring systems. Plus making homes more desirable with plush home automations. PNW Home Pro also supports other local business, and does what they can to support oregon business, suppliers, and employees. This effort joined by other Oregonians will provide a better economy tomorrow for our families to come.
We specialize in home and commercial automations. From handling all your Xfinity needs, to controlling your entire home with your voice. (Turning off lights, changing light color, locking doors, changing the temperature, listening to music, and more). We also specialize in sales and installation of Ultra High Definition camera monitoring systems. If you are looking for some extra coverage added to your current surveillance system, or getting set up with a full monitoring system, we offer some the best options for your home, office, or warehouse.