Creatures of the Night is a renowned organization that brings communities and families together through a captivating blend of wonder and trepidation. With a deep appreciation for the universal celebration of Halloween, they create immersive haunted experiences that evoke a sense of excitement and safety for all participants. Founded by David D. Jones, Creatures of the Night is dedicated to preserving the spirit of Halloween and its rich cultural significance.
As a volunteer-driven initiative, Creatures of the Night offers opportunities for individuals to join their team and contribute to their haunting endeavors. With a profound understanding of the historical and emotional importance of Halloween, they strive to create an inclusive and engaging environment for all. Through their Haunted Drive-In events, held at Mary S. Young Park in West Linn, Creatures of the Night invites visitors to embark on a thrilling journey that transcends boundaries and unites people in the spirit of this beloved holiday.
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