I first felt the surprise and awe of energy flow from my aunt doing reflexology on my foot. She stood on her head and drank orange juice everyday. As a teen growing up in Los Angeles, I learned about fasting, yoga, meditation, nature's healing power, and took long bike rides to the beach ... my energy levels skyrocketed... I self-studied organic gardening, sprouting, iridology, massage, meditation, chakra balancing, astral travel and by age 18 was a personal chef and healing artist to world leaders and assisted in reversing cancer with salads, juicing, colon cleanse. This reversal of chronic degenerative disease made a big impression... In my twenties I received 3600hrs certification in polarity therapy; the works of Dr Randolph Stone, D.O., N.D. at Murrieta Hot Springs, CA Alive Polarity Resort. In 2004 medical massage at East West College of the Healing Arts and 2007 Biodynamic Craniosacral IABT certification via Colorado School of Energy Studies. skylightmassage.com
Biodynamic Craniosacral, Polarity Therapy, Massage Raw Vegan Catering, Juice Cleanse and Smoothie Pckgs