The Acupuncture & Natural Health Center in Medford, OR is a specialized clinic offering a range of treatments including acupuncture, tuina massage, cupping, nutritional therapy, herbal therapy, flower essences, essential oils, amethyst biomat, and energy foot bath. Led by Maria Teresa M. Bresnan, a licensed acupuncturist, the center focuses on restoring the function of the body's different systems through traditional Chinese medicine, which includes the concept of Yin and Yang. With a holistic approach, the center aims to help individuals with various health issues such as pain, fatigue, allergies, headaches, digestive issues, anxiety, and PTSD.
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is the foundation of the center's modalities, which include acupuncture, herbs, massage, nutrition, and Qi Gong. The meridian system, through which energy and blood flow, forms the basis of TCM. By nourishing and regulating the energy within the meridians, the center aims to restore balance and health. Recognized by the World Health Organization and the National Institute for Health, acupuncture has been proven effective in treating over 200 disorders, including musculo-skeletal, circulatory, gastrointestinal, respiratory, neurological, emotional, gynecological, addictions, pain control, and stress-related conditions.
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