Preston High School, established in 1947 by the Sisters of the Divine Compassion, is an independent, college-preparatory Catholic school located in Preston, OK. The school is housed in the historic mansion of Collis P. Huntington, a 19th-century waterfront home. With a focus on dignity, honor, and respect, Preston High School offers a comprehensive academic program, a strong spiritual program, and a variety of co-curricular activities for its students.
Preston High School is committed to providing a nurturing and inclusive environment for its diverse student body. With a mission to prepare students for college and beyond, the school offers a wide range of academic departments, including theology, English, history, mathematics, science, language, fine and technical arts, and physical education. In addition, Preston High School provides support services, such as counseling and a library, to ensure the success of its students. With a rich history and a dedication to excellence, Preston High School is a premier educational institution in the Preston community.
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