Mena Steams is a holistic spa that specializes in Steam therapy. Yoni and Lingam (male) steaming. Steaming is a practice in which a person sits over a pot of steaming herbs. The steam cleans the external genitalia. Also, If they sit over the sauna for an extended time, it cleans the vaginal canal, cervix, and uterus and or Male organs. Steaming helps to deep clean pores. It's a very simple process with very effective results.It's ideal for postpartum use or for any woman who's having infertility issues, infections, cramps, missing periods, fibroids, cysts, endometriosis, low libido, or any other gynecological issues. It can also be used to heal from sexual abuse, trauma, and surgery recovery.In addition to Steam therapy, we offer Reiki therapy, ear and navel candling, and ion foot detox. It is our goal to make sure your experience and well being is priority!
Yoni steaming, yoni parties, vaginal steaming, ear candling, foot detox, foot massager, herbal foot bath, Himalayan sea salt steam, Lingam steam, apple cider vinegar steam, 15 minutes, 30 minutes