The Chickasha Antique Auto Club was founded January 9, 1969. The Club is dedicated to the history and preservation of antique automobiles and all other early transportation. The Club is headquartered in the restored Rock Island Depot on the east end of Chickasha Avenue where it maintains a transportation museum. Funding for the Club comes from two Antique Auto Swapmeets - always the second full weekend in May and third full weekend in October. Proceeds from over thirty-five years of swap meets have enabled the Club to build a museum building in Borden Park and to save and restore the Rock Island Depot. Both the Depot and the Borden Park building have been donated to the City of Chickasha. For nearly forty years, the Club has promoted car shows, parades, and tours. In addition, the club supports a local mission for homeless people, church groups, and other charitable programs. The only requirement for membership is the love of antique cars. The Club meets on the fourth Tuesday of eac
We are an auto swap meet 712 East Choctaw Avenue. At least 80% of what is on you space(s) MUST be auto related. We are the longest running auto swap meet in Oklahoma and our October swap meet is also the largest auto swap meet in Oklahoma.