Tulsa Kung Fu, established in 1990, is a renowned martial arts academy in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Founded by Master Ray Hildreth, the academy offers a unique blend of traditional Chinese martial arts, including Kung Fu, Tai Chi, and Kickboxing, known for their effective self-defense techniques, physical fitness benefits, and health maintenance exercises. With a focus on creating a safe and friendly environment, Tulsa Kung Fu empowers its students with self-esteem, discipline, and self-confidence, while also providing youth with improved focus and better grades, teens with increased self-worth and the ability to handle negative peer pressure, and adults with self-defense skills, conditioning, coordination, balance, and overall great health.
At Tulsa Kung Fu, their comprehensive programs cater to different age groups, including kids (3-5 years) and juniors (6-12 years), where they not only learn self-defense skills but also develop mental and moral characteristics such as self-esteem, self-confidence, and self-discipline. The academy also offers Kung Fu classes for teens and adults, focusing on self-defense techniques and physical fitness, as well as Kickboxing classes based on the Kung Fu method of San Shou Free Hand or Sanda Free Style. Additionally, Tulsa Kung Fu provides Tai Chi classes, a low-impact exercise suitable for all ages and fitness levels, known for its health benefits and described as "meditation in motion."
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