Located four miles from the town of Kenton, OH, Lawrence Woods State Nature Preserve is the largest known mature forest in its region. A mile-long synthetic plank boardwalk loops throughout the woods, giving visitors a clear path to follow. Because of this, Lawrence Woods is well-suited for those who enjoy nature, but don't necessarily like to get their feet dirty. Lawrence Woods is also an ideal site for those who are interested in rare plants, since the woods is home to heartleaf plantain, which is known to grow in only two other sites in Ohio.
Must See/Do at Lawrence Woods State Nature Preserve
Upon arrival at Lawrence Woods, visitors can pick up a handout at the entrance kiosk which explains what is located next to the numbered posts along the boardwalk. One of these posts is located in front of the woods' signature landmark and a must see for visitors; a deformed white oak tree the locals call the "Rhino Tree" due to an abnormal growth on a limb that was caused by another tree falling on it when it was young.
Lawrence Woods is home to several wet areas, including a buttonbush swamp. Visitors should follow the boardwalk out to an observation deck that hangs over the buttonbush swamp in order to get a better view of the area.
Once visitors finish walking through Lawrence Woods they should venture into the large meadow adjacent to the woods. The meadow is a prime place to watch raptors and owls hunt and is also a good spot to watch for caterpillars and butterflies.
Best and Worst Times to Go to Lawrence Woods State Nature Preserve
The best time to visit Lawrence Woods is from late September-November because this is when the leaves change colors for fall, making for beautiful photographs. The fall colors are typically most vivid in early October.
The worst time to visit Lawrence Woods is from May-August, because although the weather is warmer during this period it is also peak tick season. For that reason, those worried about ticks may want to avoid the woods during these months.
Admission to Lawrence Woods State Nature Preserve
Lawrence Woods is free to visit and parking is also free. The woods are open daily from sun up to sun down.
Wildlife at Lawrence Woods State Nature Preserve
Visitors to Lawrence Woods are likely to see several squirrel species, including fox, gray, and red squirrels.
Lawrence Woods is also a good spot for bird watching, where visitors can see various birds of all sizes, including red-headed woodpeckers and short-eared owls.
The woods is home to various species of large trees, including white, yellow, red and bur oaks, beech, white ash, shagbark hickory, red and sugar maple, and sycamore.
Besides the heartleaf plantain, other rare plant species have also been spotted in Lawrence Woods, including grove sandwort, which can be seen lining the boardwalk throughout the woods.
Insider Tip for Visitors to Lawrence Woods State Nature Preserve
Since there are several wet/swampy areas in Lawrence Woods, mosquitos are plentiful and can be rather bothersome. Visitors should be sure to thoroughly spray themselves with mosquito spray or use some other form of mosquito repellant before entering the woods.
Author's bio: Miranda Roehler has lived in Northwest Ohio for her entire life. She studied Creative Writing and History at The University of Findlay and has been published in multiple international journals.