Golden Eagle Christian Center in Palestine, OH is a renowned Christian ministry led by Bob Fraley, an esteemed author, Christian leader, educator, and philanthropist. With over 43 years of experience, Bob has dedicated his life to equipping believers for the spiritual battles of these last days, emphasizing America's role as the epicenter of Christianity. His books and booklets, which have reached a global audience of over two million, provide invaluable insights into understanding and countering the enemy's attacks on the faith. The ministry's statement of faith affirms their unwavering belief in the infallibility of the Bible, the trinity of God, the deity of Jesus Christ, and the essentiality of the Holy Spirit's work in salvation and Christian living. Through their online store, Golden Eagle Christian Center offers a range of resources, including Bob's remarkable revelations, to empower believers in their walk with the Lord and navigate the critical days ahead.
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