The Fountain of Eternal Life, also known as the War Memorial Fountain and Peace Arising from the Flames of War, is a prominent statue and fountain located in downtown Cleveland, Ohio. Designed by Marshall Fredericks, a graduate of the Cleveland Institute of Art, the sculpture was dedicated in 1964 to honor the Greater Clevelanders who served, died, or went missing in military service. Situated on Veterans' Memorial Plaza, the fountain features a 35-foot bronze figure representing mankind rising above the flames of war towards eternal peace.
The centerpiece of the fountain is surrounded by four granite carvings symbolizing different civilizations of the world. The polished granite rim bears bronze plates with the names of over 5,500 fallen Greater Clevelanders who served in various wars from 1899 to 2014. The memorial underwent restoration and rededication in 1991 and 2004, adding additional names to honor those who perished in conflicts such as the Spanish American War, World War I, Vietnam War, and Iraq War. The Fountain of Eternal Life stands as a powerful symbol of remembrance and hope for peace in the heart of Cleveland.
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