Ascension is a captivating sculpture created by artist Brian Russell and commissioned in 2007. This unique artwork, located in Coffman Park in Dublin, OH, stands at 114 x 26 x 18 in size and is made with cast glass and forged aluminum. Russell's sculptures are known for their seamless integration of metal shapes and cast glass, evoking a sense of unity, scale, and structure. With inspiration drawn from nature, ancient artifacts, mathematics, and science, Russell's intention is to encourage viewers to shift their consciousness and reflect on his three-dimensional creations with awe and amusement.
The installation of Ascension is part of the Titration series, curated by Dublin Arts Council, which aims to introduce a new concentration of sculpture into the community. This exhibition, along with other public art initiatives like Riverboxes, reflects Dublin's evolving cultural identity and its commitment to artistic exploration and response. Ascension invites visitors to engage with the artwork, reconnect with themselves, and experience a moment of reflection and meditation.
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