Psychiatrists and psychoanalysts, Drug addiction rehabilitation hospital, Alcohol clinic, outpatient
The Recovery Center
About Recovery Center The Recovery Center originated as a small alcoholism program in Fairfield County Health Department in 1975. In 1990, Fairfield County Alcohol, Drug Addiction and Mental Health Services ( ADAMH ) Board negotiated with the Health Department to transfer its alcoholism program to a free standing community based outpatient agency called Drug and Alcohol Recovery Center ( DARC ). In 1999, the Board of Directors voted to change the name of DARC to The Recovery Center and subsequently adopted new mission and vision statements which reflect a full continuum of care, including mental health services, based upon values for which that care is intended to promote. The Recovery Center provides a full spectrum of outpatient alcohol, drug addiction and mental health prevention, intervention and treatment programs to children, adolescents and adults. All services are defined in accordance with the Ohio Department of Alcohol and Drug Addiction Services, the Ohio Department of Mental Health and the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities The Recovery Center works collaboratively with area physicians and hospitals, social and human service providers, law enforcement and criminal justice systems, city and county school districts and other professional organizations and key stakeholders to ensure the availability of a full continuum of services and effective community supports to address the special needs of the populations it serves. The Recovery Center is a client centered agency, assessing the needs of each person and meeting those needs not available by coordinating services with other agencies. Clinical services are based on a comprehensive biopsychosocial assessment and appropriate placement using acceptable clinical protocols for levels of care. Staff work with each client to develop an individualized treatment plan which includes goals and objectives specific to the person's unique challenges. Clinical need is continually assessed throughout treatment, and the client remains involved in the treatment planning process.