The Talent Genius, based in Greensboro, NC, is a renowned organization led by John Pyke, known as The Talent Genius or Mr. X-ray. With over two decades of experience, John's scientifically proven processes and events have helped organizations scale their companies rapidly and gain a competitive advantage. His expertise lies in sales training, sales recruiting, hiring retention, pre-employment assessments, creativity innovation, and leadership development. John's track record of success includes working with prestigious clients such as Berkshire Hathaway, TD Bank, and Abbott, among others.
John Pyke's journey began at the age of 14 when he attended his first sales training program and trained with the legendary Jim Rohn. Since then, he has excelled in sales and has helped assess, hire, and train over 2,000,000 people. John's solutions focus on minimizing risk and maximizing results for executives, emphasizing the importance of knowing over guessing when it comes to people and performance. With a focus on transformational results, The Talent Genius invites individuals to experience the power of their solutions firsthand.
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