I am a Certified Life Coach, Certified Trauma Informed Coach, a Certified NLP Practitioner, Certified Hypnotherapist, and Cognitive Behavioral Therapist. I am a Wife and a Mother. I am also a Recovered Trauma Survivor which is why I chose to work with clients who have experienced traumas in their lives that are holding them back and would like to make a change. I've taken everything I learned over the years that has not only allowed me to live the happy successful life that I have now but given me a second chance at life and applied it to my coaching modality. I use the Mind-Body Coaching approach and help manage my clients holistically. As I've learned through my experience in order to get the result you want when dealing with trauma you must tackle it from all angles. As a Certified Life and Trauma Informed Coach, I help my clients change their lives for the better. Help set smart goals, clear blocks, and become more conscious about habits and behaviors. Guide clients to cultivate self-care and self-development practices. Apply mentoring, values assessment, behavior modification, and goal-setting. I also coach my clients on the holistic practices of Meditation, Mindfulness, Yoga and Healthy Eating. And the many benefits they have on reducing and managing Anxiety and Stress, along with all the other great health perks. My Coaching Modality guides clients to creative effective positive change in all areas of life to achieve their full potential in body, mind, and soul.