We work very closely with our factory in Carrara, Italy, the epicenter for buying high quality natural stone materials. We also import stone from our purchasing offices throughout Italy, Brazil, and India. We are dedicated to providing quality materials. Francini Inc is consistently the name consumers trust when looking for the whole stone package. Thanks to our purchasing departments abroad, Francini Inc. has hundreds of different varieties of natural stone in stock at any one time. Our specialists hand-pick materials daily, evaluating and approving the color and quality of each selection. Additionally, our founder, Andrea Francini, has an eye for the exotic that adds many striking pieces to our collection
Francini Inc. is an importer and distributor of natural and engineered stone. Our natural stone materials include quartzite, marble, granite, travertine, limestone, and soapstone. We also have our own line of quartz surfaces, Lucastone and porcelain slabs Francini FORTE.