Janie Hoag created Custom Fit Nutrition and Wellness, LLC in 2009. Since then, her husband, Aaron Hoag, joined the practice. Janie and Aaron are both registered dietitians and have completed the requirements to practice medical nutrition therapy in North Carolina.
Our dietitians work with you to help you reach your full health potential. Our name says it all; there's no one-size-fits-all diet. We have two dietitians with different specialities to cover all of your health needs. Janie Hoag specializes in weight management, diabetes and women's health. Aaron Hoag specializes in weight management, plant based diets and sports nutrition. We want to help you become the healthiest person you can be. What that means is that you'll get individualized care. We don't pass out generic meal plans and call it a day. We make customized plans that are based on current research as well as your specific needs and goals. You won't find fad or crash diets here. We also bring these recommendations into the real world. We take clients on grocery store tours, meet with clients at their homes and provide cooking demonstrations.