I opened my practice in Gainesville, FL in 2004. I was in practice for 6 years, working with chiropractors, physical therapists and acupuncturists, before moving to California in 2011. Over the years, as we moved and traveled--Australia, New Zealand, Hawai'i, California--I gained many life experiences and insights which have attached themselves to the Work I now do. I view my services as the fruit of these experiences and the wisdom they've given me, so that my Work is now much more than technique or skill; it has become about Presence. I call my work Elemental CranioSacral Work because it is ultimately concerned with the holism and fundamental oneness of the human form and experience. It also refers to the elements that shape and govern our Paths in this world. Rather than seeing the body as a collection of parts--a human construct, like time--I view us as living organism, whole in their processes and brimming with Life. It isn't what's wrong with us, but what is right with us.
Deep Tissue Massage, Visionary Craniosacral Work, BIodynamic Cranial Touch, Active Dreamwork, Pediatric Craniosacral Therapy (for infants and older children) I am a fully licensed and insured Massage and Bodywork Therapist, LMBT #13797. Please visit my website for an explanation of how I use the modalities listed above.