We believe, in this ever-changing world of health care reform, an organization that is efficient, generates better outcomes, and provides exceptional patient experience, will always be successful. High-quality primary care should be convenient, affordable, and efficient. Our inception in 2008 was founded on the notion that urgent care-type convenience, hospitality industry-type customer focus, and efficiency based on the focused use of technology could be defining characteristics of a primary medical care setting. The objective has always been to keep patients healthy and reduce overall health care cost. With a tremendous effort since inception, we have developed systems to implement a replicable model of comprehensive primary care - Avance Care.
Our team of registered dietitian/nutritionists specialize in patient-centered, holistic care. Through virtual health we are able to match you with an experienced specialist for all your nutrition needs. Avance Nutrition offers both individual and virtual group diabetes self-management training, weight management and emotional eating programs, and weight inclusive care. All ages are welcome, including family nutrition for pediatric patients.