Renee Robb-Cohen started this business fresh out of massage school by going to clients' homes for out-call massage. A year later she opened an office on Liberty Street, and since that time has moved to Woodfin Place. In 2007 she started teaching massage at AB Tech Community College, which added dimensions to her massage world view. She left that position in 2011 to put more effort and time into A Celebration of Being. Also working here are Sarah Brown and Rebecca Chapman, bringing in their unique views and interests in bodywork.
We specialize in making massage part of your lifestyle. We want to be there for you when you are celebrating, and when you need a shoulder to cry on. We help you to live inside your body, making it feel more comfortable. We customize each session based on your needs of that day. You are invited to visit our website at www.acelebrationofbeing.com to see the variety of servies we offer, and the the many packages we offer.