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Hil-Mar Lodge
That's why we encourage you to enjoy what thousands of people have come to expect as a great one-day getaway The Hil-Mar Club Hil-Mar has helped coordinate and host many town's Ambulance Corp's, Fire Departments, the local Chamber of Commerce. We provide the facilities, you bring the fun! Five years ago, Cub Scout Pack 16 of the Hudson River District Council needed place for their Crossing-over Ceremony. Over 150 scouts and parents were attendance at Hil-Mar for the festivities. Since then, Hil-Mar Lodge has been to host many scouting events such as, camp-overs, nature hikes, leadership meetings as well as providing the facilities to achieve specific scout merit badges, such as: swimming, volleyball and baseball. Three years ago Troop 16 - Boy Scouts of America, Hudson River District Council was looking for a place to host their end of summer party. Today, Hil-Mar is a proud Honorary Member of Troop 16.