Theo Stavropoulos Art is a renowned art gallery located in White Plains, NY, showcasing the exceptional works of the late artist, Theo Stavropoulos. With a career spanning from the 1950s to 2006, Stavropoulos was a highly accomplished painter who primarily worked with oils and acrylics, creating a diverse range of artwork including drawings, watercolors, inks, etchings, and aquatints. His impressive portfolio, influenced by his studies under renowned art luminaries in Greece, France, and the US, has been exhibited worldwide, including prestigious exhibitions on 57th Street in NYC.
Having taught painting and drawing at the City University of New York for 25 years, Stavropoulos left a lasting impact on the art community. His artistic vision and talent continue to captivate art enthusiasts, and his works are highly sought after by collectors. With a rich artistic legacy, Theo Stavropoulos Art pays homage to the late artist's remarkable contributions to the art world.
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