After overcoming struggles with addiction and creative blocks, Cassie Fireman and Ben Curtis met right as they began to turn their lives around. Both professional actors, musicians and former athletes, both Ben & Cassie have always been committed to health, well being and creativity. The two met when Ben was just starting personal training and in training to become a yoga teacher. Cassie was already a personal trainer with her own business (Fireman Fitness), and she was in training at the Integral Yoga Institute to become a Thai Yoga Massage practitioner. They instantly connected, fell in love, joined forces and found they could make a greater impact on the world with their combined efforts. Out of their commitment to wellness on the planet, they created Soul Fit NYC.
We specialize in customizing workouts and programs to fit your individual needs, meet your goals and on your time. Our services include yoga, massage, personal training and wellness coaching. We come to you in the convenience of your home, gym or office.