I started offering soul-centered coaching + consultations because the world needed it (not to be self-aggrandizing or anything like that...). I was working in Corporate America just like many of you are, and encountered too many people who (by society's limited definition of success) should be happy and fulfilled but weren't. There was something missing in all of them that no amount of post-work happy hours, nice apartments that they didn't get to spend much time in and retail therapy could fix. Being a natural intuitive I sensed that what was missing was a connection to their divine selves, not the person they were socialized to have. They lost touch with the story they were meant to live and lacked the resources/support to needed to regain their sense of self. I help people just like you take control of their life by first understanding that they are the hero of their own story. I utilize a blend of intuition + astrology to help you change your story & change your consciousness
-Life Coaching via Intuition & Astrology -Intuitive & Astrological Consultations -Integration of the Shadow (shadow work) -Embracing Feminine & Masculine energies -Discovering and Living by Personal Truths -Spiritual Insight from a Pantheist Perspective -Life Purpose and Soul-Centered Guidance -Down to earth, straight-forward & non-woo-woo approach **Check out my website for more information.