Established Since 1981 and a well recognized business in Oneonta. We are the oldest martial art school in Oneonta. And well know thought out the karate industry. The Oneonta Karate Dojo is the New York Headquarters for Shito Ryu Karate Do Genbu Kai, which is a style of karate do that is lead by Karate Master Fumio Demura.
Join us at our New location On the lower level of China Buffet King 340 chestnut street, Oneonta ny New York Headquarters of Shito Ryu Karate Do Genbu Kai The Oneonta Karate Dojo is the only martial arts school in Oneonta, New York which offers traditional Shito Ryu Karate, Self Defense, & Weapons classes to children, teens and adults. Students learn from a prescribed program of Karate basics, kata, sparring, and self defense. As a member of the Okinawa Kobudo Rengo Kai Alliance, the Oneonta Karate Dojo also offers to its students the opportunity to learn the following weapons of self defense: Nunchuku, Bo, Kama, Sai, Tonfa, and Eku Bo. In addition, students may also train in the art of Suishin Itto Ryu Batto Do which is use of the Japanese sword.