My hunger for continued spiritual growth as a practitioner feeds my curiosity for endless professional growth. My love for helping people and my healing heart, along with my training, has allowed me to help many clients already. I have been blessed with a gift of helping people overcome stuck emotions and feel better in their bodies. Since I was a little boy, I have sensed a special need for helping people. The road to healing, has been extraordinary. I cannot say it has been easy since I had to endure a lot of lessons to get me to the place I am today. Even today, I find myself learning the path to healing even in my own personal journey. What at one point in my life I would find very difficult to understand, today I take it as personal lessons for my spirit to be able to grow. At the end of the day, we are spirit and consciousness in a human physical body. I am also anempath and an intuitive. I continue to study and develop my skills to become a better Spiritual Healing Practitioner.
Would you like to learn more about Reiki Energy Healing and its benefits for you? Or do you feel stuck both mentally and emotionally and would like to learn the side of spirit to help you navigate through your current situation? Or are you simply looking for a new alternative to your wellbeing goals? Find out how at Nouel Reiki Center can help you. We also offer End of Life care for your loved ones helping them transition in peace and understanding.