Your Independent Agent... ...is dedicated to serving your best interests as a consumer by offering the best available coverages at the best price for you, your family, your property, and your business. Your independent insurance agent is a trained, licensed professional who represents the nation's leading insurance companies - many of whom are based in our region. Your independent agent participates in a professional association that adheres to ethical, educational and service standards - a decided advantage to you. Volunteers... Your independent agent is a volunteer in programs that benefit New York's communities, including hundreds of local activities. Cares... Independent agents play integral roles in their local communities, not only providing insurance but also providing the kind of caring programs that ensure safety and well-being. Creates jobs in your community... New York's independent agents are typically located in offices on Main Street; they pay local taxes, employ several staff professionals, use local services, and are active in the community. They use up-to-date technology to deliver your insurance. Has good reasons to work hard for you ... Your independent agent's livelihood is based upon your loyalty - it is this alone that makes an agency successful. Independent agents must provide top service and products to earn that loyalty...and keep it. And does.....