Modern Movement Physical is a unique physical therapy clinic located in the heart of Staten Island, New York. We believe that each New Yorker deserves to receive the highest level of one on one care to successfully recover from neck pain, shoulder pain, back pain, hip pain, and knee pain. We understand how frustrating, debilitating, and emotionally draining life can be when living with constant neck, shoulder, back, hip and knee problems or injuries. We help hard-working Staten Islanders relieve lower back pain, upper back pain, middle back pain, sciatica pain, neck and shoulder pain, pinched nerve in the neck and back. Don't leave your recovery, health and well-being to chance. Every missed opportunity to finding a solution to better health and well-being may lead you to dependence on pain medication, injections, and possibly surgery. We help people regain strength, mobility and return to an active and independent life without being dependent on pain medication, injections or surgery