We offer a complete range of services for women in all stages of life, in the fields of obstetrics and gynecology. We also provide sonogram and imaging services in our offices, for all your needs. Our state of the art 3D Sonogram Imaging, available in our offices, allows you to see a very detailed image of your baby inside your womb. Forget traditional sonograms where you can barely recognize your baby, our state-of-the-art equipment gives you a preview like never before. -- Dr. Brenda Beloosesky -- 3D Ultrasound Imaging Annual exams Adolescent gynecology Birth Control BRCA testing Colposcopy Cone biopsy Cryosurgery Endometrial biopsy Essure Birth Control Gynecare ThermaChoice (global endometrial ablation) Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) Hysteroscopy/D&C HPV Vaccine Immunizations Loop Electrocautery Excision (LEEP) NovaSure (endometrial ablation) Obstetric Services Pap Smears Pessary STD screening