Owner Alyce Wittenstein m8de science fiction films for many years before becoming an attorney, a yoga teacher and a mom. Inspired by the Makerfaire, where artists and inventors gather every year at the Hall of Science, she decide to open a makerspace herself, where people can drop by and experience the exhilaration of creativity and discovery.
M8KE Art and Technology Center offers Walk-in Workshops, Classes, Weekend Workshops, Special Events and Parties. It's like going to Manhattan or Brooklyn, but it's right here in Queens. We are building a 3D printer, where you can design your own jewelry and other items on a computer and print them out in three dimensional plastic on a machine no bigger than a deskjet printer! We are teaching classes in introductory robotics and cutting edge art techniques. You can drop by any time during our regular hours and sit down and work on a project or you can sign up for one of our in-depth classes. Our projects are designed for children 5+ through adults.