At Lake Grove Emergency Plumbing Co., we offer a full range of residential and commercial plumbing services and we are committed to providing customers with professional and affordable service on every job. Along the years we have developed an unmatched reputation for thoroughness and quality. We don't just stop the problem, we fix it. No matter what your plumbing needs may be, Lake Grove Emergency Plumbing Co. is the company you need to get the job done.
Air Conditioning Service, Bath & Kitchen Remodeling, Boiler Repair, Cleaning Services, Code Violation Repairs, Coil Cleaning, Competitive Bids, Construction, Consultations, Cooling Systems Installation, Copper Piping, Delivery Services, Drain Cleaning, Drain Maintenance , Drain Maintenance & Repair, Drain Repair, Drain Trap Treatment, Drainage System, Dryer Vent Cleaning, Dryer Vent Installation, etc