Lady Magic Productions is a renowned entertainment company based in New York, NY, offering captivating magic shows for both children and adults. Led by the talented Madeleine The Magician, they specialize in a variety of magical performances, including Harry Potter-themed shows, mind-blowing close-up magic, and impressive levitation acts. Whether it's a small gathering or a large event, Lady Magic Productions guarantees an enchanting experience that will leave audiences spellbound.
With the option of in-person or virtual shows, Lady Magic Productions caters to audiences from New York to Maine and beyond. Their virtual magic shows, including the popular Harry Potter magic show, ensure an immersive experience that makes viewers feel as though Madeleine The Magician is right there with them. As a trusted and sought-after magician, Madeleine The Magician brings joy and wonder to every occasion, making Lady Magic Productions the go-to choice for unforgettable magical entertainment.
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