Licensed since 1990 and established Joseph Real Estate, Wellworth Real Estate and Wellworth Mortgage Inc.
Joe Joseph is President and Broker of Joseph Real Estate in Sterling Heights Michigan. He has been licensed since 1990 and the owner of 2 real estate companies. Joe is also a licensed mortgage broker and loan officer, Real Estate Investor and has worked every aspect of the industry representing buyers, sellers and investors in both residential and commercial properties. Joe's extensive knowledge in short sales and foreclosures is unparalleled. His clients have consistently sought after his advice and put their trust in him for over 28 years. His dedication and commitment to his clients is second to none and is one of the most trusted real estate broker and loan officer. Joseph Real Estate is also a member of the National Association of Realtors, Realcomp and Mirealsource and is also a HUD and Fannie Mae approved broker.