Home Team Productions, led by directors Stephanie Silber and Vic Zimet, is a dynamic production company with a fierce indie spirit. With over forty years of combined experience, they have worked on a diverse range of projects, from independent films and television specials to educational videos. Their expertise has been showcased on various outlets, including BRAVO, LIFETIME, and FX CHANNEL, as well as non-profit organizations like the ASIA SOCIETY and JEWISH THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY.
Home Team Productions is known for their award-winning indie documentaries, such as Random Lunacy and Everything is Forever, which have been featured in festivals worldwide. In addition to their previous work, the company has recently expanded their focus to capture personal moments, including weddings, naval retirements, Philippine debuts, and web commercials. With a passion for storytelling and a commitment to excellence, Home Team Productions delivers high-quality videos for all occasions.
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