Through lifestyle recommendations, proper nutrition through diet and supplementation, bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, and psychotropic medications as a last resort, we guide the patient toward a healthier future.
We get hard data to treat causes, not symptoms delivering cures, not band aids. We detect ticking time bombs like stroke, heart attack, and cancer that strike without warning. Our 21st-century medicine is for people who want definitive answers, or a second opinion to avoid surgery. We use the latest technology and techniques to focus on brain health through hormone therapy, which reduces your need for invasive procedures and unnecessary medication, so you can live a longer, healthier life. At PATH Medical, the brain guides us but modern medicine seems to constantly forget this and the brain's master role in our physiology is repeatedly overlooked. We know that every illness ages the brain, and that imbalances in the brain can also lead to illness elsewhere in the body. We know that virtually every disease is diagnosable even before signs and symptoms appear, and that in order to deliver care that will restore and preserve total health, we must have early diagnosis of chronic disease. We accomplish this by using state-of-the-art technology, including a head-to-toe ultrasound-based examination, and a computerized qEEG to assess brain health. We interpret the results and then can begin the process of reversing disease and develop a plan of action uniquely tailored to each patient's biochemistry and needs. Through lifestyle recommendations, proper nutrition and bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, we guide the patient toward a healthier future.