Our Mission... is to provide the highest quality products combined with the most personal care and service to our customers at the lowest prices possible. We take great pride in our company, our commitment to customer service and in the products we sell. Our online store is designed to provide you with a welcoming, informative, and diverse product environment. Our expansion using vape shops and stores are to establish a safe and relaxing environment to go for all your vape needs only supports our obligation to you, the customer.
Our vision here at EliquidPlanet... is one of embracing the change of consciousness that is at our doorstep. Like many times before on planet Earth, (as well as, I am sure, elsewhere in this vast Universe), we live in a time of great change. History shows that all great, and even lesser, civilizations ultimately reach a point of crisis that either sees it fall into the hands of fear or reach for the heights of hope and enlightenment. We embrace the enlightenment. With this site we hope to advance the cause of enlightened consciousness on a planet where environmental concerns are paramount to our survival. The ecig is a small step in that direction. How?...It is much friendlier than a traditional cigarette both to the user and to the atmosphere of our beautiful blue planet because there is no combustion or burning of a product. We hope that by offering people an alternative to the traditional cigarette it will facilitate a positive step in the shifting of the consciousness of the people of planet Earth, ultimately helping them to abandon the habits of old and embrace the promise of a new paradigm.