Dr. Wasserman is licensed as a Doctor of Chiropractic in New York, California and Colorado. He received his degree from New York Chiropractic College. This was after he received a Bachelor of Art in Biology from State University of New York at Binghamton.
treatment of Neck and Beck pain, Shoulder and arm pain, Pinched Nerve Muscle aches, Stress, Headaches, Auto injuries, Sports injuries, Work-related injuries, Disc problems, Arthritis, Faulty posture, Disc problems and Joint pains Michael Wasserman, D.C. is known for his ability to incorporate holistic approaches to chiropractic health care. Dr. Wasserman believes in taking the time to get to know each of his patients in a way that will enable him to provide the best possible care. His well-rounded expertise and knowledge of the latest developments in fitness, kinesiology and rehabilitation have helped his patients enhance their overall well-being.